Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Visit From Sandy

I must say that after a visit from Sandy if you have not put your life into perspective I am not sure when that will unfold for you. If you have no idea who Sandy was allow me to explain. Sandy was an ill tempered, fast living, take no prisoners kind of a woman. Sandy was the "Storm of a Life Time" "The Frankenstorm" because it came in over the Halloween period of 2012.  Sandy in a word was one big hurricane. Yes, just the other day she stopped by for a visit.Sandy brought down rain, and turned up winds of over 80 knots (that's around 92 miles per hour for those of you who do not sail or fly aircraft). Lets just say when she came into New Jersey she was pissed. What went with her was this, no power, no water, no heat,no internet, no television,no cell phones for days. At least that was the case where I live in NJ. What has this to do with wine you may be asking yourself. Allow me an indulgence for a brief moment. OK  I am better now. Sandy provided an opportunity to slow down, to actually relax. Sitting in my living room, candles placed here and there providing a flicking dance of light playing off the walls, ceiling and anyone who came into the space in that moment. What came along with all that had went was a few bottles of nectar worth tasting if not to be enjoyed again. I opened a slightly chilled 2005 Crozes hermitage (Cave de Train) This wine was full fruit. To the nose, black current,roasted notes and a wisp of blackberry.  Dry on the palate, yet balanced with tastes of red fruit all around. Finish, cherry,blackberry, and ever so light with spice. If you can locate a bottle I suggest a 2005-2008. The experience is certainly worth enjoying, and I am not referring to a visit from Sandy or any of her relatives anytime soon.

Marcus Padulchick

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