Monday, August 19, 2013

Wine, Drink What You Enjoy

Drink what you like. Thats my motto and I am sticking to it. I have been immersed in the culture, history and experience of wine for over 35 years. Yes, in the past and somewhat to this day there is a energy surrounding wine that has an air of snobbery or elitism. I suspect it stems from the not too distant past where good wine was only for those with means. Yes, 100s of years ago wine was accessible to the masses but from all accounts it was less than palatable.

If you are new to wine drinking you do not need to 2nd mortgage your home to build a nice collection. I suggest you begin with trying a variety of wines until you find a few you truly enjoy and then purchasing a two or three bottles of each to hold for future consumption. Keep the price per bottle between 9-15 dollars. There is no need to pay 25-60 a bottle unless you come across something so exceptional you simply can not pass.

A final note, the price no longer reflects the value  of the wine.

#Wine, #drink

... Marcus

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